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Tuesday, August 17, 2010


They're learning.  They've given Dad a male nurse for the last two days.  He thinks the old man is funny... 

They are waiting on a bed to open up on Sringfield 5 or Centennial 5 and when that happens he will be transferred to a regular room and visitors will be welcome.  No more restrictions.  And no pain meds today.  I will be sure to post his room number once we have it and I'm sure he would love some company.  He will be at Baystate probably for 2 to 3 more days and then they'll consider a transfer to Whittier. 

All is good and they think those kidneys may recover after all.  Hector might win that bet - he said Dad would be off dialysis by January.

Have a wonderful week. 

(since you guys seem to be so good at it, can we all pray that I win the lottery?)


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