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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hello one and all,

My cell phone rings a lot these days and many of the numbers are unfamiliar.  There are so many wonderful people out there who are looking for information/updates on Mr. Henshaw and what's going on in his world that I thought this might be the easiest way to keep everyone up to date.  Feel free to leave a comment, send him words of encouragement and let him know you're thinking of him and praying for his quick recovery.  We will try to keep the blog current and let you know what's up with Mr. H.

Currently he is in CICU at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, MA recovering from a heart attack and a multitude of other ailments.  If you know David, you know he can't do anything small.  If I can figure out how, I'll post a link to the hospital.  He is not quite ready for visitors but cards are certainly welcome.  He is as fiesty and cantakerous as ever and doing his best to make his nurses wish for reassignment.  His prognosis is much better than a week ago but still not as good as we would like.  The wonderful team of nurses and doctors are attempting to wean him off the respiratory and make him breath on his own but he's being lazy and hasn't proven that he can handle yet.  We are hopeful that will change and the tube will come out within the next few days.  Of course, then he'll be able to talk again and we'll all wish he was back on the sedation medication. 

Jeanette was here in Massachusetts for the last 10 days and flew back to North Carolina this morning. Chris is flying in on Saturday.  Clearly, this entire hospitalization was merely a ploy to get his prodigal children to come for a visit.  In our opinion, he took it a little too far.  We do frequently get wrapped up in our own lives but there are much easier ways to get our attention. 

I want to thank everyone who has reached out with prayers and offers of help.  I am constantly in awe of how many lives Dad has touched and can not express how comforting it has been to hear your stories and know that his life is full of such wonderful friends.  Nan Gibbons told me her family refers to him as the Wizard of Oz.  Not the "Great and Powerful" but that little man behind the curtain.  We agree it's a good description.  Let's hope that little man can work some of his magic and come home to us soon.

With love,


  1. Dad is off the respirator and terrorizing the nurses. He has a white board and isn't afraid to use ir! His eyebrows are making up for his mouth and wiggle in flirtatiousness and feistiness. Now he just needs to pass the swallow test in the am and keep the ng tube from going in now. We were joking that he needs to be able to talk back to Chris when he gets in and gives pops what for!

  2. He IS the man behind the curtain: more real, more complex, more loving, more puckish and ultimately more powerful because of it than the fake wizard could ever be! Merry especially misses her godfather - we are praying he gets better enough for a visit soon. Nan
