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Friday, August 13, 2010


David is moving out of ICU!  He is being upgraded from the "Intensive" care unit to the "Progressive" care unit.  He was out of bed yesterday, most of the tubes and wires are gone and there is no longer a nurse stationed directly outside him door.  She was conspicuously absent last night during most of my visit, a clear sign that they no longer feel he needs constant attention.  Ms. Geri Baloyo, the physician's assistant, says they'll keep an eye on him over the weekend and (provided his progress continues) will discuss a possible transfer to Whittier next week.  She intends to get him up and working today - I think he's got a date with the stationary treadmill.  Nothing like a little exercise to get the heart pumping. 

Wishing you all a wonderful Friday the 13th,


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